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Mary McCoy, Art Critic. Washington Post

Neuhaus was born in Mexico and studied art in Brazil, but her use of natural materials is akin to British sculptors such as David Nash and Andy Goldsworthy.... has made a significant leap from her earlier, more delicate wood and stone sculptures to these museum-scale pieces by radically simplifying.....a poetic quietude in its rough simplicity.

Joanna Shaw-Eagle, Art Critic. Montgomery Journal

Life Cycles... powerful totemic images addressing timeless philosophical preoccupations, life and death universal cycles...relates intimately to change and nature--both inner and outer.

Lee Fleming, Art Critic. Washington Review

"'Forest',...The piece achieves its goals; we reflect on real forests, natural materials, our relation (physical and metaphorical) to nature--and still get pleasure from the walkthrough...Neuhaus sets up an interesting contrast between indoor and outdoor, between how we perceive materials in one setting, and then in another."

Michael Welzenbach, Washington Post
..they are all 'earthy' in that she always maintains the integrity of her natural materials.....They heighten the sense that these stone compositions were found as is rather than composed and worked by hand."

Sara Tanguy, Art Critic. Americas Magazine

Neuhaus names two giants of 20th century sculpture who have been important to her development, Englishman Henry Moore, and the Romanian Constantin Brancusi....looking at her work, one does not see evidence of imitation, but rather of a kindred spirit. All three seek to bring out the order and inner rhythms of nature, through simple arrangements of organic form. In Neuhaus' sculpture however, the elements of narrative are more subtle and use of natural materials less mediated.

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